Seasonal Greetings to everyone reading this!
What a great couple of months the run up to Christmas has been.
I've met so many lovely people; Mums, Dads, kids and dogs. It's been brilliant fun and has finished off a very enjoyable year for the business.
I've set up a new website with a more artistic, non-commercial scope. I find myself being drawn more and more to the photojournalism style of photography. It doesn't require the patience of nature and landscape photography as it's about capturing moments and patterns as they appear before me so that every picture either tells a story or is pleasing aesthetically in itself. What it does require is being in the right place at the right time, keeping my eyes open all the time and complete mastery of the camera. These are exciting challenges and are of course, very important skills for my style of wedding photography.

You can check out snapsbyandy.com here.